Art is divine

The Terrible Child in Venice

by Alessandra Cenna


Venice - Italy

from April 13 to September 16, 2024



Jean Cocteau Oedipus, or, the Crossing of Three Roads (Œdipe ou le carrefour des trois routes) 1951 Oil on canvas 97 x 129 cm Private Collection

© Adagp/ Comité Cocteau, Paris, by SIAE 2024.

Jean Cocteau Poetry (La Poésie) 1960 Felt-tip pen and pastel on paper 54 x 37 cm Collection Kontaxopoulos Prokopchuk, Brussels

Photo © © Adagp/Comité Cocteau, Paris, by SIAE 2024

Jean Cocteau The Great God Pan (Did I Love a Dream?) (Le Grand dieu Pan [Aimai-je un rêve?]) 1958 Pastel, ink, and gouache on wove paper 149,8 x 91 cm Collection Nouveau Musée National de Monaco © Adagp/Comité Cocteau, Paris, by SIAE 2024






The first major Italian retrospective dedicated to Jean Cocteau (1889-1963) “The Revenge of the Juggler” is being held in Venice, at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, until mid-September. Enfant terrible of the French artistic scene of the 20th century, icon of the avant garde, this poet, painter, designer, playwright and filmmaker rubbed shoulders with the artistic elite of his time, personalities such as Pablo Picasso, Coco Chanel, Apollinaire and Edith Piaf.


More than 150 works, drawings, graphics, jewelry, tapestries, books, magazines, photographs and films, «The Revenge of the Juggler» thanks to curator Kenneth E. Silver, of New York University, explores the evolution of the unique and pro found style and personal story of Jean Cocteau through the crucial moments of his tumultuous career.


The image of the exhibition poster, signed by photographer Philippe Halsman, presents him as a sort of Shiva, with six arms equipped with several instruments, symbols of his many talents.


His multifaceted artistic language, his provocative and eclectic nature make him an artist who embodies the cultural contradictions of his time.

Jean Cocteau Fear Giving Wings to Courage (La Peur donnant des ailes au courage) 1938 Graphite, chalk, and crayon on cotton 154,9 x 272,1 cm Collection of Phoenix Art Museum, Gift of Mr. Cornelius Ruxton Love Jr © Adagp/Comité Cocteau, Paris, by SIAE 2024.






Often criticized, Cocteau always lived his homosexuality and even his addiction to opium openly. He lived his art like his life in all excesses, leaving behind him a scent of scandal which amused him more than it disturbed him.


The exhibition traces his passions for mythology with the famous myth of Orpheus but also his love for Venice. His friend Peggy Guggenheim, an American patron, began her career in the art world on the advice of Marcel Duchamp with an exhibition devoted to Cocteau.


In Venice, you can today admire his Academician’s Sword made in 1955 by Cartier based on Cocteau’s design. This symbol of the academy was chiseled in gold and silver paved with emeralds, diamonds, rubies, decorated with ivory, onyx and enamel.  The artist wanted the profile of Orpheus to be on this jewel alongside the star and the lyre, recurring symbols in his art.


The myth of Orpheus is dominated by the themes of purification and death but also of love and the soul. He also made a film based on this legendary story with the actor Jean Marais, his lover, friend, and eternal companion.

Jean Cocteau Untitled, Drawing in Peggy Guggenheim’s third guest book, 1956 Ink on paper 22,9 x 15,6 cm Private collection © Adagp/Comité Cocteau, Paris, by SIAE 2024.

Jean Cocteau Untitled (Sans titre) 1930 Ink on paper 29,6 x 20,9 cm Centre Pompidou, Paris. Musée national d’art moderne / Centre de création industrielle, Gift, 2018 © Adagp/Comité Cocteau, Paris, by SIAE 2024 










Cocteau, the Frivolous Prince, knew how to juggle his passions and live like a tightrope walker, always ready to go to the other side of the looking glass.


A prolific, non-conformist and versatile artist, he gracefully knew how to shine in all fields and left his mark on cultural history with the timeless freshness of his eternal youth in the light of his famous star.



Jean Cocteau la Rivincita del giocoliere (la Revenche du Jongleur) Peggy Guggenheim Collection - Venise - Italie,

Philippe Halsman Jean Cocteau, New York, USA. 1949 © Philippe Halsman / Magnum Photos